So what’s up?

I went on a break too long from writing on this. Yes, “too” does denote a negative undertone. The writing did continue, only this blog remained unattended, and why am I restarting because two weeks ago, when I visited my parents, my dearest Nivedita Aunty asked me if I was still writing, and then I contemplated actually why I did not write here for so long. So, I am writing this blog today to share an update on what’s up in my life, and also to re-start my blogging.

It was November 2022, when things were all actually good in life, but something did not just feel right. It was then that I decided to connect with my spiritual master Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. I contacted the Art of Living team near me, and got in touch with our teacher, Didi (word for sister in Hindi/ Bengali). She inspired me so much that I started my regular yoga and meditation once again after almost seven years. And, this became a life-changing experience for me.

Soon, I found lots of freelance writing opportunities. I wrote stories, articles, product descriptions and press releases for companies. It was fun writing a new thing each day. My daughter started her schooling soon so I looked for more opportunities.

I was fortunate to find a job as an Assistant Professor in a college. My day would begin at 5 am with yoga and meditation, followed by a hearty breakfast and then leaving for college. Since I was a visiting faculty and worked only for a few hours in the last academic year, that left me with a lot of time for writing, reading and cooking for my family.

Since childhood, I used to pretend to be a teacher, and being a teacher after so many years was actually fulfilling for me. I am learning a lot on this job, and hope to help others around me learn a little bit too. However, teaching and learning should not extinguish the author in me.

This blog is a promise to myself, that I will keep posting life updates, movie and book reviews, insights, recipes, parenting notes and travel accounts from now onwards.

Have a nice day! 😊


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